The ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicles) is also called drone or underwater robot. This is powered by a battery with an autonomy ranging from 1 hour to 6 hours depending on the model. It is connected to a cable which it uses to communicate with the remote control and to have visual feedback on the pilot monitor when taking pictures, images or videos. Lightweight ROVs are increasingly being used for underwater photography and film. Also very useful for inspecting pontoons and boat hulls in ports and captaincies.
At the heart of your sector, inspection and expertise by ROV and underwater drone will allow your establishments, without draining, to give you additional means to inspect your structures to prevent possible incidents.These inspections are regulated and sometimes mandatory.
In the water industry and civil engineering (water towers, dams, bridges, dykes, pipelines, etc.), aquaculture and fish farming, insurance expertise firms to quantify and quantify disorders, shipyards, the environment, to inspect a wreck, local authorities for their fire tanks or tanks, just as many areas for whom, inspection and underwater expertise is a must.
New generations of ROVs will make underwater environmental assessments, and particularly the census of biodiversity and the assessment of the marine environment, easier by providing better access to underwater fauna and flora without disturbing the environment. These ROVs are also very useful for sampling certain microorganisms. They are very practical to access very cold or unsafe waters without taking risks.